نظام معاً للاقتراحات والشكاوى

by Developers Plus



Implementation of the suggestions and complaints system of the Development Action Center / Maan.The Development Action Center/Maan is an independent, non-profit, non-governmental Palestinian developmental organization founded in Jerusalem in 1989. Its main headquarters is in Ramallah and it has other headquarters, the most important of which are in the Gaza Strip. The center works in community development and institutional development at the national level in order to achieve sustainable development in the Palestinian society.Based on its culture, values, and affiliation with national and humanitarian principles, and adopting the approach of partnership and participation, transparency and accountability, professionalism and non-factionalism, the Ma’an Development Action Center seeks to provide a safe, supportive, and protective environment for all beneficiaries of its services, away from any form of discrimination based on gender. age, disability, beliefs and more. Since its inception, it has paid great attention to the dignity and protection of beneficiaries, employees, volunteers, and trainees from abuse, exploitation, and violation in all its forms, by adopting effective policies and procedures and practical measures that take into account this right. The center also pays special attention to receiving suggestions and complaints in order to improve its ability to continuously improve and develop the quality of services provided based on the highest standards of efficiency.And as part of the Centers continuous endeavor to maintain the highest levels of professionalism, integrity and transparency, it has worked to ensure the right of everyone to file a complaint in the event of abuse and exploitation during the implementation of the Centers various activities or in dealing with its employees or whoever represents it. The Center deals with all seriousness, firmness, and without leniency against any transgression or violation, and confirms its commitment to deal with and address any suggestion/complaint quickly, confidentially, and with complete integrity, and to take the necessary measures accordingly, and to inform the applicant of the response.In light of the above, the Development Action Center/Maan has developed a system of suggestions and complaints to enhance the values ​​of participation and accountability with the groups affected by the services of the Center in the various work areas in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. This application through which suggestions and complaints can be submitted, followed up and responded to in a secure and fast manner, as the different levels in the center receive and process suggestions and complaints electronically in a way that guarantees the confidentiality and privacy of the complainant.